Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Trying an electronic means of communication soon!

Thinking about the real world--is it still there?

You know, this is strange...blogging about the fact that we don't connect the same way when we try to connect through electronic means. And yet...what? Are the other ways too much work? How did we connect before the internet? If you were close, I would go over to your house. I'd bring you something that you needed or that I found interesting. If you were far, I'd call or send a handwritten (or typewritten) letter. Or send something to you that meant something. However the connection happened, you knew it was meant for you. I had actually thought of you and took the time to act on my thoughts. Now I'm typing this and posting it on a blog that rarely is updated and is aimed at____________fill in the blank. Maybe family will read this. Maybe a random stranger will stumble on this and it will ring true for him or it will look like he's reading a rant from someone who is depressed. I'm not. Not at all. I'm not planning to, hoping to, going to stop using the internet and impersonal media channels to put thoughts out as they come to me. No, it's just that I am planning to, hoping to, going to get back to non-digital means of communicating with the world in general and with those I love in particular. I'm going to learn something by reading ink printed on paper, such as a book. I'll hand-write a (short) letter--and mail it. I'll give someone a real smile not a :-).